Home > Artworks > Ignacio Fresneda Casado

Photo of Ignacio Fresneda Casado Spain

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Ignacio Frese holds a degree in Graphic Design and Preimpresin the Guadalajara School of Art, specializing mainly in maquetacin of documents, processing of images for the press and stressed in the design web.Tambien elaboration and creation of stories in comic format, some of which have been exhibited in the youth center "Prince of Asturias" and published in journals of the center for further distribucin.Actualmente has...

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2012, Clausura de HABANA ESPACIO LIBRE (Cáceres)
  • 2012, Clausura de HABANA ESPACIO LIBRE (Cáceres)
  • 2002, Exposición de cómics en Centro Juvenil PRÍNCIPE DE ASTURIAS (Majadahonda)
  • 2002, Exposición de cómics en Centro Juvenil PRÍNCIPE DE ASTURIAS (Majadahonda)

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Ignacio Frese holds a degree in Graphic Design and Preimpresin the Guadalajara School of Art, specializing mainly in maquetacin of documents, processing of images for the press and stressed in the design web.Tambien elaboration and creation of stories in comic format, some of which have been exhibited in the youth center "Prince of Asturias" and published in journals of the center for further distribucin.Actualmente has been conducting a 3D animation course to perfect a way of expressing their art and making orders for web and multimedia design, trying to achieve with it cover several artistic disciplines

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